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Scratches in the Surface - 2020
Den gode sang, vellyd, harmonier, symfoniske lydbilleder, musikalsk springvand, drømmende sekvenser og cathy riffs. Man kan sætte mange ord på de gode intentioner, men når det kommer til stykket handler det om følelser, om man bliver berørt af musikken og teksterne i det man hører. Det kræver at man bliver introduceret for den musik som det handler om, og at man sætter sig ned og lytter - og skruer lidt op. Der udgives hver dag utrolig meget god musik - så hvorfor lige lytte til dette album? Hmm - det behøver du heller ikke - men hvis du vil høre noget du ikke før har hørt, og kan lide velproduceret smør for øret, så scroll videre.
Hilsen Jannik 😍
RADIOPORTRÆT AF - thedreams - 21/1-21
Sometimes things get out of hand. Develop in a direction you hadn’t seen coming. Like when you start peeling wallpaper of in a corner of a room and suddenly the whole house is getting wallpapered and painted. You hadn’t foreseen it when pulling at the little piece of wallpaper – but it was loose, and you just couldn’t help yourself. When at first you start a project in the corner where you are right now, it can start a process that leads you to places you had never imagined. It can start a trip to a foreign country. A journey to the unknown. One step leads to the next. This is what it is like to start off – take an initiative – you begin a journey not knowing where it will end. Away, out on deep water, trying out stuff that is miles from your normal routine,
and possibly out of your comfort zone.
Have a think about that before you start nudging the wallpaper!
(I should have thought of that before I got started…)
The journey itself can be the goal. The satisfaction. It can be what you take with you and what makes you happy. Wouldn’t have been without. Especially if you start nudging something that has been a dream, something you have carried with you for a long time but haven’t acted on before.
For all the dreamers.
all I could imagine has come true
STREAM thedreams - or buy the album HERE

thedreams er harmoni og velklang - med sange om mange af livets facetter - også ridserne i overfladen. Debutalbummet Scratches in the Surface er kulminationen på en årelang proces, som har resulteret i 10 dejlige sange i lækker indpakning.
The Danish project, thedreams, is the culmination of a lifelong dream of the composer, Jannik Falhof. Until now, the songs were a hidden secret. But now the rug is pulled off….
"With shaking hands and with eternal doubt, the project of standing by the music, standing by yourself, is finally a reality
The first songs were made in the early 80s, the latest yesterday
The music has been in my head constantly, but only now has the courage been there to present it to you
Welcome to the realization of a dream
Welcome to thedreams"
Jannik Falhof, 2020
The Circle is Closed
now you are back -where the dreams started
where the foundation for the ambition was layed
and bought in Denmark Street
where the first stanzas which were a hit back then
but which lived safely in your head
and perhaps if they had lived on in a new band
young and ambitious and musical who practiced
in a back yard in the same way in the same neighbourhood
as Barclay James Harvest
and the first gigs were played in the small clubs
later in The Marquee Club where you got a contract
and recorded the album which was played
on the radio on MTV and the music festivals
it never took off because you went home
before it happened something else had to happen
before it happened you had to study
be with her have kids get an education work hard
but dream on mostly in secret and not until now
after so many years you are back with help
from the best in all the seats and the result
is on a small USB stick in your pocket right here
home again where it all started the hotbed
for the dream your dream